The Party Parlour Australian Print Ad

Over the past couple of days I've had the opportunity to work with a sister-owned, party supply company located in Australia called The Party Parlour.
They posted a listing on Freelancer requesting assistance in developing an advertisement for a magazine that matches their branding & aesthetic. I was all over this project once I visited their website and sifted through some of the pages. The party themes are incredibly unique and simply stunning in design. These photos are from the "Mint Princess" collection, which I found absolutely gorgeous. See more from the Mint Princess collection by Party Parlour here.
I submitted my initial design and was pleasantly greeted with positive feedback by the contest holder. (I love Aussies so much guys)

Hi Kaitlynn. We like the simplicity of this ad and the graphic and colours reinforce our brand. We would like to see where would you place a headline, the url, and a call to action ie : sign up online to receive 10% off your first order . Note : we have a non round version of our logo (see the top right hand corner of our website). It might be easier to work with from a design point of view.
With this in mind, I got to work on the next draft, including all of the requested copy. They didn't specify what they wanted in the headline, so I used a filler phrase for mockup purposes. Here are some samples I've come up with so far (use the slider to view all). I'm still waiting on feedback from them which I don't expect to receive until this evening because, well, Australia. I'll update this post when I hear back!
Guys, I won the contest! Woohoo! Thankful for Aussies.
